All the doctoral theses defended in the period 2013/19 have obtained Excellent Cum Laude). Our doctoral students have published 84 papers in scientific journals, 63 of which (75%) are indexed in JCR and, in turn, 25 of them (40%) correspond to the highest impact journals (Q1). All graduates are employed: two are self-employed, one in a private company, one in a public institution and the rest in national (11) and foreign (9) universities.
"Quality" and "Towards Excellence" mentions
This program has its origin in the Doctorate Program "New Trends in Business Management", of inter-university character since its inception (universities of Salamanca, Valladolid, Burgos), which obtained the mention of quality by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Government of Spain by Resolution of May 28, 2003 (reference: MCD2003-00116), renewed since then -year by year- until the academic year 2006-2007 (Resolution of August 11, 2006, Official State Bulletin of August 30, 2006).
Once converted to the new European Higher Education Area, approval was obtained to offer it as part of the Official Postgraduate Degree in Business Economics (the University of León joining the title). This new doctorate was again recognized with the Mention of Quality by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Spanish Government from the academic year 2007-2008 to 2010-2011 (BOE 245 of October 12, 2007); and subsequently with the Mention of Excellence (MEE2011-0348) of the Ministry of Education for the academic years 2011-2012 to 2013-2014 (Resolution of October 6, 2011 of the General Secretary of Universities).
Braz Bezerra, Víctor Hugo: “The Effect of Corporate Governance, Taxes and Ownership Structure on Dividends and Leverage: Three Essays on the Brazilian Evidence”. 06/06/2019
Fernández Herrero, Milagros: “Antecedentes y Efectos sobre la Satisfacción de la Autonomía del Turista en la Planificación del Viaje. El Papel Moderador de la Crisis Económica”. 22/07/2019
Ferraretto, Gustavo: “Influencia de la Contratación de Servicios Universitarios en la Innovación y los Resultados Empresariales”. 09/09/2015
García Rodríguez, Íñigo: “Governance and Financial Vulnerability of Nonprofit Organizations: An Analysis of the NGDOs from Spain and the United Kingdom”. 04/04/2017
González Zapatero Redondo, Carmen: “La Integración Funcional Compras-Marketing en el Desarrollo de Nuevos Productos. Un Análisis Contingente”. 03/07/2014
Hidalgo Baz, María: “A Wider Tyre for the Wheel of Consumer Analysis on 21st Century. A Research on Organic Market”. 19/05/2017
Jijena Michel, Carlos Eduardo: “Experimental Analysis of Non Hierarchical Solutions to the Inefficiency in Teams. Altruism, Up Front Payments and Leadership”. 28/09/2018
Lahuerta Otero, Eva: “Multichannel Business Strategies and Performance”. 18/07/2014
Martínez García, Beatriz: “The Effect of Family Control on Firm Value, Corporate Financing and R&D Policy”. 17/07/2015
Mora Valencia, Andrés: “Cuantificación del Riesgo Financiero en Presencia de Eventos de Alto Impacto: Distribuciones Paramétricas y Densidad Gram-Charlier”. 19/05/2014
Muñoz Pascual, Lucía: “El Valor de los Recursos y Capacidades Humanas en el Desarrollo de la Creatividad y la Innovación Tecnológica”. 07/07/2017
Neves Almeida, Thiago Alexandre Das: “A Proposal for a Composite Index of Environmental Performance (CIEP) for Countries”. 13/10/2015
Nieto García, Marta: “Consumer Decision Making. The Effect of Information on Willingness to Pay and Performance”. 12/02/2018
Noguera Gámez, Ligia Carolina: “Informe Integrado, Información Asimétrica y Coste De Capital”. 11/09/2017
Oscanoa Victorio, Mery Luz: “Género y Crecimiento Económico”. 28/06/2018
Pastor Sanz, Ivan: “Three Essays on the Use of Neural Networks for Financial Prediction”. 18/05/2018
Pérez Cornejo, Clara: “Corporate Reputation Management: The Role of the Enterprise Risk Management, the Reporting of Corporate Social Responsibility and the Cultural Context”. 26/11/2018
Reis Neto, José Francisco Dos: “Estrategia de Marketing y Competitividad de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa en Áreas Periféricas: El Caso de Brasil”. 07/09/2018
Reyes Reina, Fernando Enrique: “Family Ownership and Mergers and Acquisitions: A Study under the Socioemotional Wealth Perspective”. 20/04/2018
Rivera Ordóñez, Juan Camilo: “Decisiones Corporativas y Gobierno Corporativo durante el Ciclo Económico: Evidencia Internacional”. 14/09/2017
Rueda Angarita, Carlos Alejandro. “Mujeres en el Consejo de Administración, Desempeño Empresarial y Determinantes”. 08/05/2019
Temprano García, Víctor: “Drivers of Brand Deletion Outcomes: Causes, Decision-Making and Implementation”. 24/07/2018
Vargas Morúa, Gioconda: “Bienestar de los Emprendedores y Franquiciadores: Factores Claves desde una Revisión Sistemática”. 18/07/2019
Yaman , Serhat: “Cash Holding in Family Controlled Firms: How Ownership Structure, Corporate Governance and European Financial Crisis Affect Cash Holding?”. 22/05/2019
Andres-Alonso, P.; Garcia-Rodriguez, I. & Romero–Merino, M.E. (2015): “The dangers of assessing the financial vulnerability of nonprofits using traditional measures. The case Non-Governmental Development Organizations in the United Kingdom”. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 25(4): 371-382.
Andres-Alonso, P.; Garcia-Rodriguez, I. & Romero–Merino, M.E. (2016):“Disentangling the financial vulnerability of nonprofits”. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 27(6): 2539-2560.
Bravo, M. I. G., & Otero, E. L. (2015). Gestionando las barreras culturales: claves estratégicas para el éxito en los negocios internacionales. Cuadernos de ALDEEU, 28(1): 115-128.
Calderon-Monge, E., Pastor-Sanz, I., Ribeiro-Soriano, D. (2016) “Franchising in Europe: exploring the case of Spain with self-organizing time maps”. Psychology and Marketing, 33 (7): 559-572.
Cortés, L.M., Mora-Valencia, A. & Perote, J. (2016): “The productivity of top researchers: a semi-nonparametric approach”. Scientometrics 109: 891. doi:10.1007/s11192-016-2072-5.
Del Brio, E. B., Mora-Valencia, A., & Perote, J. (2014). “VaR performance during the subprime and sovereign debt crises: An application to emerging markets”. Emerging Markets Review 20: 23-41.
Del Brio, E. B., Mora-Valencia, A., & Perote, J. (2014): “Semi-nonparametric VaR forecasts for hedge funds during the recent crisis”. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 401, 330-343.
Del Brio, E. B., Mora-Valencia, A., & Perote, J. (2017): “The kidnapping of Europe: High-order moments' transmission between developed and emerging markets”. Emerging Markets Review 31: 96-115.
dos Reis Neto, J.F., Correia de Souza, C., Muñoz Gallego, P.A., Rolim Pereira, F., Maior Bono, J.A., & da Rosa Lopes, M. (2015): “The Organizational Capabilities of Rural Enterprises, Incremental Innovation, and the University’s Contribution”. African Journal of Agricultural Research 10(21): 2203-2212. doi: 10.5897/AJAR2015.9509
Garcia-Rodriguez, I. & Jegers, M. (2017): “Capital structure of Nongovernmental Development Organizations: First cross-country evidence”. Nonprofit Management and Leadership 28 (2): 175–194. 10.1002/nml.21275.
García-Rodríguez, I. & Romero Merino, M.E. (2014): “¿Quién gobierna las ONGDs en España? Un análisis de la composición de sus órganos de gobierno”. Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa 81: 95-126.
García-Sánchez, I. M., das Neves Almeida, T. A., & de Barros Camara, R. P. (2015): “A proposal for a Composite Index of Environmental Performance (CIEP) for countries”. Ecological Indicators 48: 171-188
Gonzalez-Benito, J., Lannelongue, G., Ferreira, L.M., & González-Zapatero, C. (2016): “The effect of green purchasing on purchasing performance: the moderating role played by long-term relationships and strategic integration”. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 31 (2): 312-324.
González-Zapatero, C., Gonzalez-Benito, J., & Lannelongue, G. (2016): “Antecedents of functional integration during new product development: The purchasing-marketing link”. Industrial Marketing Management 52: 47-59.
Hidalgo-Baz, M, Martos-Partal, M. & González-Benito, O. (2017), “Attitudes versus Purchase Behaviors as Experienced Disonnance. The Role of knowledge and Consumer Orientations in Organic Market”, Frontiers in Psychology, 8: 1-8. doi 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00248
Hidalgo-Baz, M., Martos-Partal, M. & González-Benito, O. (2017), “Is advertising helpful for organic businesses? Differential effects of packaging claims”, International Journal of Advertising 36(4): 542-461.
Keasey, K., Martinez, B., & Pindado, J. (2015): “Young family firms: Financing decisions and the willingness to dilute control”. Journal of Corporate Finance 34: 47-63. doi:10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2015.07.014
Lahuerta-Otero, E., & Cordero-Gutiérrez, R. (2016): “Looking for the perfect tweet. The use of data mining techniques to find influencers on twitter”. Computers in Human Behavior 64: 575-583.
Lannelongue, G., Gonzalez-Benito, J., González-Benito, O., & González-Zapatero, C. (2015): “Time compression diseconomies in environmental management: The effect of assimilation on environmental performance”. Journal of Environmental Management 147: 203-212.
López Iturriaga, F.J., & Pastor-Sanz, I. (2013): “Self-Organizing Maps as a Tool to Compare Financial Macroeconomic Imbalances: The European, Spanish and German Case”. Spanish Review of Financial Economics 11 (2): 69-84.
López Iturriaga, F.J., & Pastor-Sanz, I. (2015): “Bankruptcy Visualization and Prediction Using Neural Networks: A Study of U.S. Commercial Banks”. Expert Systems with Applications 42(6): 2857-2868.
Lopez-Iturriaga, F., & Pastor-Sanz, I. (2016): “Using Self Organizing Maps for Banking Oversight: The Case of Spanish Savings Banks”. Nature-Inspired Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications 3(3): 1306-1332.
Lopez-Iturriaga, F., & Pastor-Sanz, I. (2018): “Predicting European Bank Stress Tests: Survival of the Fittest”. Global Finance Journal. Aceptada para publicación
Lozano, M. B., Martínez, B., & Pindado, J. (2016). “Corporate governance, ownership and firm value: Drivers of ownership as a good corporate governance mechanism”. International Business Review 25(6): 1333-1343. doi:10.1016/j.ibusrev.2016.04.005
Martínez, B. & Requejo, I. (2017): “Does the type of family control affect the relationship between ownership structure and firm value?”. International Review of Finance 17(1): 135-146
Martín-Romero, M., Rodríguez-Escudero, A. I., Rodríguez-Pinto, J., & Temprano, V. (2017): “Caso práctico: Oneplus. Desarrollo de estrategias y retos de una empresa born global”. Harvard Deusto-Marketing y Ventas 142: 56-64.
Merlo, G. F., & Gallego, P. M. (2015): “La universidad y las actividades de innovación de las empresas”. Revista de Economía Aplicada 23(69): 83.
Mora-Valencia, A., Ñíguez, T. M., & Perote, J. (2016): “Multivariate approximations to portfolio return distribution”. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 23(3): 347–361.
Muñoz-Gallego, P. A. & Otero, E. L. (2011): “Captación de clientes mediante el uso de estrategias multicanal: el caso de los concesionarios de vehículos de ocasión en España”. Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa 20(4): 57-70.
Muñoz-Pascual, L. & Galende J. (2017) “The impact of knowledge and motivation management on creativity: employees of innovative Spanish companies”, Employee Relations 39(5): 732-752,
Nieto-García, M., Muñoz-Gallego, P. A., & González-Benito, Ó. (2017): “Tourists’ willingness to pay for an accommodation: The effect of eWOM and internal reference price”. International Journal of Hospitality Management 62: 67-77.
Nieto-García, M; Lahuerta Otero, E. & Muñoz-Gallego, P. A. (2015): “La experiencia de los turistas en alojamientos de turismo rural de la provincia de Ávila a través de sus mensajes en internet”. Boletín Turístico. Centro de Análisis e Innovación Turística de la provincia de Ávila 2: 27-44.
Noguera, L. & García-Sánchez, I.M. (2017): “Integrated reporting and Stakeholder engagement. The effect on information asymmetry”. Corporate Social Responsibility & Environmental Management 24(5): 395-413. DOI: 10.1002/csr.1415.
Noguera, L. & García-Sánchez, I.M. (en prensa): “Institutional investor protection pressures versus firm incentives in the disclosure of integrated reporting”. Australian Accounting Review. doi: 10.1111/auar.12172.
Noguera, L. & García-Sánchez, I.M. (en prensa): “Integrated report and cost of capital”. International Business Review,
Otero, E. L., Gallego, P. A. M., & Pratt, R. M. (2014). “Click-and-Mortar SMEs: Attracting customers to your website”. Business Horizons 57(6): 729-736.
Rodríguez-Torrico, P., San Martín Gutiérrez, S. , & San José Cabezudo, R. (2012): “Múltiples formas para segmentar el mercado de compradores online y móvil”. Cuadernos de Estudios Empresariales 22: 99.
Rodríguez-Torrico, P., San Martín Gutiérrez, S., & San José Cabezudo, R. (2015): “Determinants of clothing repurchase through mobile devices”. Esic Market 46(3): 57-77.
Temprano, V., Rodríguez-Escudero, A. I., & Rodríguez-Pinto, J. (2016): “Cuando eliminar una marca es una decisión acertada”. Harvard Deusto-Marketing y Ventas 139: 44-52.
Testera Fuertes, A., & Cabeza García, L. (2013). “Análisis de los factores determinantes de la transparencia en RSC en las empresas españolas cotizadas”. Intangible capital 9(1): 225-261.