Formative complements

However, given that this PhD programme is open to graduates from other degrees other than Business Economics (Business Administration and Management), whether undergraduate or master's degrees, with a total of 300 ECTS credits, but who may not have included sufficient specific research training in business economics in their syllabuses, this programme does not establish specific training complements, the programme's Academic Committee will decide for each admitted student, depending on their entry profile and previous training, whether or not they need to undertake certain training in research, both methodological and applied to the different specialisation profiles in the field of business economics.

This training will take the form of at least 6 ECTS of subjects from the Master's degree in Business Economics Research or the new Master's degree in Business Administration and Economics Research (joint degree of the universities of Salamanca, Valladolid, Burgos and León) or other research training equivalent in educational value of which the student will enrol after having previously done so in the doctoral programme, advised by their tutor and/or thesis supervisor, from among the training offer of the universities that make up this degree or from other national or international universities when mobility activities are planned for the student during their doctorate.